
Thursday, 30 September 2021

how to do a good speech

 Hi to day I was learning how to present a speech

and for next time I would change doing my speech another way

it was had doing writing all of the words to make it since

Have you ever wondered why you need to wear a school uniform?

I strongly believe that we should where school uniforms because it represents your school


It saves the costs For parents so you have more money afterwards. Saves time in the mornings increases the students focus

Secondly  if you don't wear school uniforms it can confuse people when we're in games. about what school we come from. Just like if you are in a game with another school it can confuse you very much.

Thirdly, most school uniforms are really comfortable and nice on your back and your parents only wash a little bit of your school uniform and if you wear random clothes  you make your parents do more work.

Monday, 13 September 2021

Have you ever heard of the story Adam and Eve?


Hi today I read the Bible have you ever read the Bible?

Today I read the story about 2 people and their names were Adam and Eve, God created them while creating the trees, stars and light. Adam And Eve did something really bad and disobeyed  God when he warned them about the forbidden tree,  but they did not listen to God. Adam listened to God when God said do not eat the fruit off the tree, but Eve did not, because Eve talked to this snake  whom was created from Saturn. the Snake told her to eat the Apple from the forbidden tree. So she did, she was warned from God that if the fruit was eaten they would face death. I love reading the Bible you should to. 

 look at this image if you want to see what Bible I am talking about. 

Thank you for looking at my blog post


Thursday, 9 September 2021

have you ever read the book little red Riding?

9. 2021

The story little red Riding Hood and the wolf 

Hi to day I watched some videos of the wolf's story and little red Riding Hood's story

And we had these slides that we had to fill in. Do you think that the wolf in little red Riding Hood is guilty or not guilty. I chose not guilty because I will tell you in my photo. 

Look at this video if you want to look at both of their story's click these links to see both.

Link Link if you like these links please leave me a comment below. 

thank you for look at this blog post. 

What is Lego?


Lego Challenge 

Morenah, Good morning 

Today we had a Lego master challenge to complete 

I did not have any Lego so I used Minecraft 

I found this fun using Minecraft because I like to play on it. I only had to choose one challenge but I challenged myself and did all 3 challenges with some help from my uncle.

1. Bridge 

2. Zip line

3. Maze

If you liked what I have done please leave me a comment below thank you for looking at my blog post. 


Who was Saint Mary Mackillop?


Saint Mary Mackillop

Kiaora, Hello, Today we had to complete a drawing task about our Saint, you had to answer a set of questions about your Saint as well.

And I word cage making  my mackillop differently

 here is mine below of Saint Mary Mackillop.

This task was easy, I enjoyed it.

Please leave me a comment below I would appreciate it.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Did you know anything about TURTLES?


Five Facts about Turtles 

Kiaora, Hello thank you for looking at my blog post, today as a task in class we had to design a turtle and research five interesting facts about the Turtle. Below is my design and my facts, please leave me a comment below also. This task was fun, I enjoy drawing, there was not anything I found not interesting about researching. 

Fact 1. Tiger sharks and Orca whales eat Turtles.

2. Baby Turtles don't usually make it past their first day of life. 

3. scientist believe only 1 out of every 1000 baby Turtles make it to adult hood.

4. Breathing is tricky for a turtle.

5. Sea Turtles slow their heart beat down in order to stay under water for a long time. 

Monday, 6 September 2021

Have you ever escaped a house?


Kylahs Escape House 

Hi, Today as 1 of our tasks we had to escape Kylahs Home.

This was fun, I would do it again. I found it easy. 

I liked the different animals in each room.

here are my screenshots of some amazing animals I found after solving the quiz.

Please leave me a comment below after reading my blog post, thank you.

Have you ever done Persuasive writing?


Why I think Dogs are better than Cats

Kia Ora

In this task,  we had to learn how to learn how to write a persuasive piece of writing about why we think Dogs are better than cats or vise versa.

I chose to write about why I think Dogs are better than cats. 

I enjoyed this task, because it made me miss my best friend Klowed. (My dog) 

I wouldn't change anything about this digital post, please leave me a comment below thanks. 

Do you like dogs or cats?

6. 2021 

Cats vs dog which one do you like better?

Today I was learning about cats versus dogs and I chose dogs. 

 I also created a slide if you want to look at it I'll tell you why I like 

dogs better than cats. click this link to find more information dogs cats comment blow and tell me Which one you like 

better cats or dogs? 

thank you for looking at this blog post

Sunday, 5 September 2021

My Dad, My Hero


Fathers day today

Happy fathers day to all the dad's and mum's around the world. 

Here is what I did for my dad, 

I made him Pancakes and Bacon

And gifted him a t shirt he loved it.

If you like this blog post please leave me a comment below. Have a good fathers day bye. 

Fathers Day TASK!


Fathers day

Hi today i did something really run and exciting. I am going to ask you a question did you make your dad a fathers day card?
 if you didn't make your dad one you could because it is a special day for your dad and your dad will appreciate the gift you get for him.
 Also in the morning on faiths day give your dad a big hug and just to say your dad cares about you heaps like he does something on your birthday. I hope you decide to make your dad something this is what I made for my dad look at this photo if you would like to see what I made for my dad scroll down below.

thank you for looking at this interesting blog post

Thursday, 2 September 2021

have you ever made a pen pal letter

 2.9 2021

Hi (kia ora) 
welcome to my blog post have you ever written a Pen Pal a letter before?
Today i am writing a special card to someone really important in my life (My cousin Fenn)
 I had to go to room 2 hub of learning and we had to go to 
week 6 and we had a learn how to create share a book and write facts about 
what we were doing  like do you know that a pen pal letter came out in 1936 did you know that? pen pal letter is also really fun to do you think the same? do you even know what one is?
i will tell you write know pen pal letter are people you haven't seen in a while so you write a card to them and ask them how they have been and that kind of staff
look at this picture if you want to see what i mean
do you know some facts about pen pal letter 
thank you for looking at this interesting blog post 
I use mum's phone and made a post card using sponge bay beach back round to my cousin with a message to him as well. 

Do you like maths?

 2.9 2021

hi (kia ora) today i was doing some math.


do you like math comment blow if you do or do not?

I am asking this because I am really good at maths. the most important thing in math is to have helps of fun. 

But if you do you cold start. Do you know way because math is fun and it helps your brain grow. and It also challenges your brain to. and if you get math blog you will complete it easily because you know your math. also look at this picture what helps you know more of your timetable. Do you think the same? 

thank you for looking at this interesting blog post.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Have you ever made a stop motion?


What is a STOP MOTION Movie?

Have you ever heard of a stop motion Animation?

Today I created my first one, A stop motion is a popular film style that movie makers have been using for a while, in fact the first stop motion film was called the HUMPTY DUMPTY CIRCUS 

it was filmed in 1898. 

Using a number of pictures to tell a story is what you would do to create one.

Here is my creation 

My slide show also 

Thank you for looking at blog post. Please leave me a comment below if you would like to see more? 



Over 100 Dojo Points 

 Kena Koe


This morning my teacher rewarded both my class friend and i a Dojo point shout out. I really want to keep posting blogs i find it fun. I am very Thankful, what a blessing. 

Kiaora (Thank you)

Congratulations also to my other class mates for outstanding mahi (work)

Spelling is fun dont you think?



Tena Koe 

 Today I have been Practising my spelling words on this website,  if you haven't been on this website you could visit it because it helps you spell better click this link if you want to find out more link

 what you have to do is you type your spelling word in the blank spaces and then you scroll down and try a game  task, its fun. it gives you a choice of game that you would like to practice your words on. 

comment blow if you like this link 

thank you for looking at this interesting blog post


Duo Challenge (The Amazing Race) Task Wha (4)



 To day i have completed other task and this is i really enjoyed.  This task was really interesting because i was blindfolded and i had to do 3 mountains  and with 3 Birds Flying Over each Mountain. On each mountain i had to draw a snow cap. I also wrote my name blow the paper i have a interesting question to tell you comment blow and tell me if you have done this before just to say if you haven't done this you could try, because you can get help doing this 

thank you for looking at this blog post 


comment blow if you liked this blog post 

The Amazing Race Task Toru (3)


My amazing race task 3

Hello, i have completed another task, in this task i had to make a origami cup. I found this task interesting helps your brain think, and you don't have to pay money for a new cup. i used different glitter paper to make 3 diffferent coloured cups. 

please comment below if you have ever tried this. 

Have you ever done Origami? 

The Amazing Race Task Rua (2)


The amazing race task TWO


Today i am continuing with my amazing race challenges and this is my second one, i had to use News Paper to cover myself from head to toe, i used blue chux clothes, News paper and Toilet paper. I found this task challenging because i had to stand still.  dad and mum covered me up. 

Please leave me a comment below if you have ever done this before. Thanks for looking at my blog post.

The Amazing Race Task Tahi


Tena Koe, (Hello) This is a individual challenge that i am to complete set out by our teacher. 

I have chosen this challenge because it is easy.

And my whanau (Family) are busy. 

So what i needed to do was i had to spot the difference between two of the same photo.

Here is my photo using my mums phone i could edit and find the differences, 

please leve me a comment below if you think this is a awesome Task.